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IC Luxembourg Cup
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IC Luxembourg Cup

The US team was back in action the weekend after the IC event in Frankfurt competing for the Luxembourg Cup hosted by the Spora Tennis club. The other IC nations were Mexico and Belgium. The weekend consisted of two full days of tennis plus one additional day of sight seeing. 
On Friday the US defeated Belgium, and Luxembourg was able to overcome Mexico. That evening, teams were invited to a cocktail party at the Modern Art Museum just across from the official hotel. The US and Luxembourg continued the festival atmosphere from the previous weekend, this time including Mexico and Belgium. The players enjoyed a casual dinner and an adventurous evening out on the town. 
On the second day of play Luxembourg beat the US in the finals and claimed their home title. At the official IC dinner Saturday night the US presented all IC team captains with wine as gifts of good will. US Captain Tom Bender was made an honorary member of IC Luxembourg. Additionally Henri Reiter of Luxembourg was made an honorary member of our IC.  

Again special thanks to German IC President Alex Kurucz for showing true IC spirit by providing two German ladies to complement our team.

With all matches completed, Sunday was spent soaking in the sights of Luxembourg with an official tour from IC Luxembourg President Josy Offenheim.  

L-R Janet Dippell, Joe Dippell, Rick Best, Jennifer Muzik, 
Tom Bender, Marijana Frank, & Fanda Stejskal

Please click below to see full results:

Results 1

Results 2
