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IC Jean Borotra Sportsmanship Award presented to Guga Kuerten
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IC Jean Borotra Sportsmanship Award presented to Guga Kuerten

As reported earlier this year a panel of media and IC representatives has awarded the 2011 IC Jean Borotra Sportsmanship Award to Gustavo Kuerten, affectionately known as “Guga”. The trophy has previously been won by Stefan Edberg, Chris Evert, Todd Martin, Maria Bueno, Pat Rafter and Kim Clijsters.

The presentation of the award was made in Florianopolis, Brazil, by Gustavo Herrero, member of the Executive Committee of the IC Council, following an exhibition match between Guga and Carlos Moya in the presence of 5000 fans. Carlos, another former number 1 ranked player in the world, is a member of the IC Spain, and joined Gustavo in the award ceremony.

The exhibition was just one of the many events held during the Guga Kuerten Week 2011 which is endorsed by the highest tennis authorities and state and local government. It includes the Guga Kuerten Cup in which some 600 junior boys and girls participate from 8 to 18 years old and the Guga Kuerten Wheelchair Cup. Mini tennis is organized all over the city in car parks and on squares to enable people to play tennis who have never been exposed to the sport. There are also tennis clinics for deprived children and training sessions for tennis coaches. The programme furthermore includes presentations about the work of the charitable Instituto Guga Kuerten on how it uses sport as a tool for social inclusion and to improve environmental awareness (for more details see Guga’s mother and his brother are all involved in these activities which is a reflection of the true warmth of this family. It has been absolutely the right choice to award Guga the IC Jean Borotra Sportsmanship Award. His charisma, his silent philanthropic activities, and the support that he elicits, even after several years of retirement, are all most impressive.

Left to right : Guga Kuerten, Gustavo Herrero, Guga's mother Alice and Carlos Moya

Exhibition match between Kuerten and Moyen


Click on this link for an interview with Guga Kuerten, Davis Cup Idol -

IC of Brazil President's Speech

Prezado Guga,

Em primeiro lugar, como Presidente do IC Brasil, lamento não poder representar nosso clube pessoalmente hoje a noite, mas meu amigo Gustavo Herrero aceitou lhe passar esta mensagem do IC Brasil.

Você, mais uma vez, é motivo de orgulho para a nossa comunidade tenística e para todos nós brasileiros.

As suas qualidades tenísticas são conhecidas e já muitas vezes premiadas; este premio, porém, é um reconhecimento ao seu comportamento dentro e fora da quadra, ao seu trabalho filantrópico (sempre conduzido de maneira discreta), e à sua capacidade de aglutinar, unir, e fazer acontecer.

Você é um exemplo para nossos jovens de um esportista no mais amplo sentido da palavra: o atleta e a pessoa!

Sabemos que o processo de escolha do premiado é muito exigente e a lista de candidatos é de altíssimo nível; você ganhou e agora está na companhia ilustre de esportistas como Stefan Edberg, Chris Evert, e nossa querida Maria Ester Bueno.

Parabéns e um grande abraço!

Fernando Gentil
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