News & Events

September 2020
IC PAKISTAN - IC Hong Kong 2019

IC PAKISTAN - IC Hong Kong 2019

2019 - IC Pakistan players participated in the Rod Laver IC Junior Challenge Tennis competitions held in Hong Kong held at the prestigious Hong Kong Country Club in July 2019. Players from India, Japan, Australia and Hong Kong were also present. Mr. Muhammad Khalid Rehmani ( Manager) stated that Hong Kong hospitality was remarkable and is looking forward for an opportunity to reciprocate. The team enjoyed the amazing hospitality of IC Hong

The team consisted of:
Muhammad Khalid Rehmani – Manager
Kamran Ahmed – Gardian

Vesha Das - Junior Player – (F)
Verisha Khan – Junior Player – (F)
Hasheesh Kumar – Junior Player – (M)
Yahya Monammad – Junior Player – (M)